Altar Guild:
Consists of members of the Church who maintain the Altar for each service. These individuals use their time to change linens, set the Communion table and do dishes before and after all Services. For more information, please call the Church office at (315) 363-5211.
Christian Education Team:
Consists of inspired individuals who teach the Good News of Jesus Christ to children and adults of all ages. For more information, please call Betty Browell through the Church office at (315) 363-5211.
Evangelism Team:
Consists of individuals who work toward the goal of bringing and sustaining God’s love and grace to the unchurched and the members of the Christian Church. Please contact Dave Hyatt through the Church office at (315) 363-5211.
Worship and Music Team:
Consists of members who assist in planning and providing meaningful Worship Services and inspirational music. Please contact Julie Steele through the Church office at (315) 363-5211.
Property Team:
Consists of members who maintain the church’s buildings and grounds. For more information, please contact Jerry Stewart or Howard Regner through the Church office at (315) 363-5211.
Social Ministry Team:
Consists of members who organize and deliver the Lord’s compassion. The committee participates in many activities including the VACC Christmas Basket Project, 55-Drive Alive (defensive driving education for adults of 50 years and older), the Blood Mobile, The Angel Tree Program, and support to The Lutheran Home in Clinton. Please contact Marie Sayles through the Church office at (315) 363-5211.
Spiritual Growth Team:
This group plans programs and retreats to strengthen the faith and spiritual lives of the members and friends of St. Peter’s. For more information, please contact The Pastor through the Church office at (315) 363-5211.
Community Christian Seniors Team:
Looks for ministry opportunities which will enhance the spiritual lives of the Seniors and Retirees within the church and community. For more information, please contact Nan Richard through the Church office at (315) 363-5211.
Stewardship and Finance Team:
Consists of committed individuals who organize the Church’s finances, reminding us that without God we would have nothing. Please contact Paula Bishop or Sherri Brown through the Church office at (315) 363-5211 for more information.