Stewardship–caring for what God has given you–is a key aspect of discipleship and growing as a Christian. It includes time, talent, and treasure–all the different resources God has given you. At St. Peter’s we take time each fall to focus on stewardship.
For fall 2023, our stewardship theme is “True Value.” What do we value and why? The answer to that question changes, sometimes dramatically, over generations. But through the years, St. Peter’s Lutheran Church has been one of those truly valuable things that continues to give purpose, meaning and belonging to our lives. St. Peter’s is a treasure for us all because the promise of God’s resurrecting love, lived out among us never gets old. Together we can work to ensure that the value and vitality of St. Peter’s continues.
Below you will find the 2023 stewardship materials inviting you to reflect on what “true value” St. Peter’s holds for you and consider how you might be called to share that in the coming year. This can include making a giving plan for the coming year and sharing it with us via the online Giving Card. (Rest assured, the only person who will see it is our financial secretary.) Making a giving plan empowers you to give sustainably without shame or guilt. Sharing your plan with us helps us to use it wisely. Thank you!
Letter of Invitation–Fall 2023
A stewardship reflection shared in worship by Rich & JoAnne Vindigni:
A stewardship reflection shared in worship by Sherri Brown, treasurer:
For more stewardship resources, below you will find materials from our most recent themes:
2022 stewardship materials for the theme “The Spirit of St. Peter’s”:
Letter of Invitation–Fall 2022
A stewardship reflection shared in worship by Sherri Brown, treasurer:
2021 stewardship materials for the theme “The Gratitude Epidemic”:
Letter of Invitation–Fall 2021
2020 stewardship materials for the theme “This Is Us!”:
Letter of Invitation–Fall 2020
The stewardship reflections shared in worship during the fall of 2020 are here: