Welcome to the new St. Peter’s website! We’ve been working on making this space welcome for a while now, and finally coming to a point where we can throw the doors open and welcome newcomers and old friends alike.
It’s not that different from Christmas and the holiday season–it takes a while to make the right preparations, and you hope you’ve thought of everything, but finally, the most important thing is actually welcoming folks inside. You’ve probably been getting ready yourself, and now it’s almost time for loved ones to enjoy the fruit of your labors.
But of course, those preparations remind us of how important it is to prepare our hearts and minds to be touched once again by the birth of Jesus. The coming of Christ in our midst, hallowing our earthly existence and making this world a dwelling place for God.
Ultimately Christ will be born in us, even if the preparations are not complete. As I shared in last Sunday’s sermon, Christ comes in the space between us–that holy space between two people who receive each other with love, grace, and forgiveness.
Let us focus on creating THAT kind of a space this Christmas time. Well, I guess we don’t create it…but we can do our best to get out of the way when we see the Holy Spirit creating it in our midst. Thanks be to God.