Sermon Speaker

Pastor Katie

Online Worship: All Saints Sunday

There’s no nice way to say it: Death stinks. Today we remember those who have gone on ahead of us, but we also struggle with the reality of death separating us from those we love. Jesus goes head-first into that reality with us, sits with us, weeps with us, and gives us hope and new […]

Online Worship: Reformation Sunday

Grace, love, and warm fuzzies. Wait…what’s wrong with that? Today for Reformation Sunday we celebrate God’s amazing grace, but we also remember that God will not be controlled by our whims, desires or emotions. Christ is not waiting on the sidelines to step in as our backup. Even when life reminds us (painfully) that we […]

Online Worship: Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost

Love God. Love your neighbor. Love yourself. It’s not rocket science. But what is it? Jesus teaches why these commandments are inseparable, and why together they consolidate and sum up the entirety of the law. Together they reveal the mystery of divine love. This worship service includes Communion as an extension of the table at […]

Online Worship: Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost

In much of life we are spectators, but in worship we are called to be full participants at whatever level we are able. Today we celebrate “Try It” Sunday, when we take time in the midst of worship to learn about worship, and how the different roles people fulfill each contribute something unique and important. […]

Online Worship: Season of Creation—Mountain

“The mountains are calling, and I must go.” John Muir, known as the patron saint of the American wilderness, penned these words. But mountains are more than a beautiful, wild, majestic trek in the wilderness. They convey the truth of our faith journey, that God’s future awaits. This worship service includes Communion as an extension […]

Online Worship: Season of Creation—Sky

As a mirror for the earth below, the skies surround this planet with every emotion, from awe to joy to sorrow to terror. We see the skies weep over violence and bloodshed, and rejoice with the beauty and glory of God’s power. The skies remind us that “we are never alone. We just need to […]

Online Worship: Season of Creation—Humanity

To rule or to serve? Humanity’s relationship with creation is complicated and messy. Sometimes we use it and discard it; sometimes we do our best to care for it; often we make mistakes. Jesus calls us to a life of service, listening not only to our fellow human beings, but to creation as well. It’s […]

Online Worship: Season of Creation—Planet Earth

Beautiful, fragile, awe-inspiring, and beloved, our planet is alive! With layers that talk to each other and tectonic plates that dance and glide over millions of years, Planet Earth is much more than meets the eye. It teaches us that God makes everything to be in relationship, including us. This worship service includes Communion as […]

Online Worship: Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Be opened. It sounds simple, but we avoid being opened because it makes us uncomfortable. And yet, part of Jesus’ mission in this world is to open us up to God, to ourselves, and to each other, and all that entails. We sing our favorite “hymns from the hat” today and feel our bodies and […]