When the angels appeared in the sky to the shepherds, their song was a song of peace for all humanity. So where is this peace, we ask? In a world of turmoil and division, we need peace more than anything. The Christmas story reminds us that through Jesus, God began setting the world right, healing all rifts, mending all brokenness, and sowing the seeds of peace. Through Jesus, God came to dwell as one of us.
This worship service includes Communion as an extension of the table at St. Peter’s on Friday, December 24, 2021. The Bible readings for this worship service are Isaiah 9:2-7 and Luke 2:1-20.
Before you begin this worship service, you are invited to find a candle for each person watching and bread and wine or juice for participating in Communion.
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All hymns in this service are in the public domain. “The First Nowell” is used by permission graciously granted by Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church of New York (www.fapc.org) and Dr. Ryan Jackson. “’Twas the Evening of Christmas” by Glenys Nellist, illustrated by Elena Selivanova, is copyright 2017, published by Harper Collins Christian Publishing and is used here by permission.