When is your enemy also your friend? This isn’t a political question—this is the question that comes from hearing Jesus’ parable we know as the Good Samaritan. Jesus challenges the expectations of his hearers and points out that God’s love knows no limits. Neither should the Golden Rule: to love your neighbor as yourself. All neighbors. We have opportunities every single day to live out this love.
This worship service includes Communion as an extension of the table at St. Peter’s on Sunday, July 10, 2022. You may want to have bread/cracker and wine/juice ready before you watch. The Bible readings for this worship service are: Deuteronomy 30:9-14; Psalm 25:1-10; Colossians 1:1-14; and Luke 10:25-37.
Worship bulletin: https://mcusercontent.com/0abb45de9071b98dea7b88217/files/1299fcba-2aea-ecd3-ac87-53e7e25959c5/Bulletin_July_10_2022.pdf
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All hymns in this service are either in the public domain or are streamed and reprinted with permission under OneLicense #A-733782 or CCLI license no. 1408210. All rights reserved.
CREDIT: Subscribe Button by MrNumber112 https://youtu.be/Fps5vWgKdl0
Cover photo illustration by AD_Images of London, England