The Holy Spirit sings and whispers in the orchestra of the forest, sharing a song of deep love and connection. Trees were created by God as siblings and partners alongside of human beings in the book of Genesis. As we look for the ways the gospel is written in creation, we hear the good news that God loves the whole world and reconciles us with it through Christ.
This worship service includes Communion as an extension of the table at St. Peter’s on Sunday, September 3, 2023. You may want to have bread/cracker and wine/juice ready before you watch. The Bible readings for this worship service are Genesis 2:4b-9, 15-17; Psalm 96; Acts 17:22-28; and John 3:1-16.
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All hymns in this service are either in the public domain or are streamed and reprinted with permission under OneLicense #A-733782 or CCLI license no. 1408210. All rights reserved.
CREDIT: Subscribe Button by MrNumber112
Cover image by Robert Balog from Pixabay