Online Worship: Third Sunday of Advent—Game-Changers
We all have moments in our lives that are game-changers. Moments where everything before is different from everything that came after. Mary has one of those moments in our gospel reading today. How is God present and active in these moments? Are we in one of those moments now?
You may want to find three candles in your home (or even just one) and be ready to light them before you begin watching this service.
The Bible readings for this worship service are: 2 Samuel 7:1-11, 16; Luke 1:46b-55; 1 Thessalonians 5:16-24; and Luke 1:26-38.
The Santa Lucia photo is by Claudia Gründer, used by permission under Creative Commons License and the Swedish Santa Lucia video can be found at The Annunciation, painted by Jan van Eyck, is in the public domain and can be viewed at The National Gallery in Washington, DC.
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All hymns in this service are either in the public domain or are streamed and reprinted with permission under OneLicense # A-733782 or CCLI license no. 1408210. All rights reserved.