“A wee little man was he,” the children’s song goes, but Zacchaeus is much more complicated than that. When he runs ahead of the crowd and climbs a tree to see Jesus, he thinks he is safely out of everyone’s sight. Little does he know that Jesus sees all of us as we really are…and that’s a good thing.
This worship service includes Communion as an extension of the table at St. Peter’s on Sunday, October 23, 2022. You may want to have bread/cracker and wine/juice ready before you watch. The Bible readings for this worship service are: Isaiah 1:10-18; Psalm 32:1-7; 2 Timothy 4:6-8, 16-18; and Luke 19:1-10.
Worship bulletin: https://mcusercontent.com/0abb45de9071b98dea7b88217/files/8d622681-8279-eeea-6526-8949fa2a5d53/Bulletin_October_23_2022.pdf
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All hymns in this service are either in the public domain or are streamed and reprinted with permission under OneLicense #A-733782 or CCLI license no. 1408210. All rights reserved.
CREDIT: Subscribe Button by MrNumber112 https://youtu.be/Fps5vWgKdl0